Sunday, August 29, 2004

COPS in Anaheim

On our way home, we saw that the on-ramp from Ball to the 57 was closed with cop cars. A cop helicopter had it's light on overhead. There were cops coming with their sirens on from the back, towards us, cutting us off to cross the divider. Eric looks out his window and sees the alleged man running toward the onramp on the other side of the street. Eric yells "He's over there!", and cops are running all over, driving all over, speeding around the corner, traffic is stopped. We smell burned rubber. I told Eric that I did not know Anaheim had that many police cars. I wanted to hang around especially once I saw a K-9 unit go by (my favorite on COPS). It was crazy. We race home so we can turn on the news and see what is going on. I told Eric, "I guess I can speed huh, since there are no cops around here", hee hee and we both laugh. I pull into the driveway, race into the house, turn on the tv,..NOTHING. Three hours later, nothing! What the heck. I wanted to see what was going on. Why was ALL of Anaheim PD on Ball? I said it was probably only a traffic stop, ha ha.

So if you see it on the news, we were there! It seriously was scary and exciting at the same time. Eric wanted to get out and jump the guy. He said he could take him. I have never seen anything like that before!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Check thier web site my dear..... it maybe there.