Tuesday, August 31, 2004

tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow

I never thought I would be one of those mom's who looked forward to school starting. Although I love that comerical for Office Depot that has the song "It's the most wonderful time of the year" and the day is flying by on the cart getting back to school supplies. haha

Tomorrow Bradley starts school. It is only half day for the rest of the week but it is a beginning. Then one week and one day later, Krystal will be gone as well.

I know it will not be all chocolates and roses, no sleeping in, no yelling "get your brother", etc. But, on the flip side, no teenagers for a few weeks before I go back to work. No fighting about who has what CD, who didn't put the DVD back, who did or didn't do what last. Peaceful bliss. That is all I am looking for. Is that too much to ask?

I know that Siobhan and Diego will still be here and there will still be crying and complaining, but it will be so different. I swear that Krystal and Bradley TRY to get on my nerves. At least with the wee one's, they are only doing what they are suppost to be doing. (Although some may argue that teenagers are suppost to be pains in the ---es, doesn't make it any less annoying).

So, tomorrow, one down and one to go!

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