Sunday, April 02, 2006


Wow, where have I been? Well, let me tell you.

Last weekend we went to Ensenada for a family friends birthday party. It was great! We have never stayed in town before. Eric was watching the UCLA game and Siobhan, Krystal, Diego and I went shopping. Of course we ran into all sorts of people we knew because so many of our family members were there.

I just got back from a soccer weekend in Lancaster. A place I have never been. It wasn't too bad. A couple of hours away. Bradley had one game on Sat. (10:30am), so we were able to enjoy the rest of the day, but we were in Lancaster. So I let Siobhan go in the jacuzzi for a little bit (it was freezing there!) and we watched the UCLA game. (Is there a trend here? Maybe one of the Jasso's needs to be in a hotel room for UCLA to win? Better get a room for Monday!). Bradley had two games today (8 and 2), of course with the time change, 8 seemed really early since he was supposed to be there at 7.

All in all, I enjoyed myself. I took Siobhan with me. Krystal and Diego stayed home with Dad. I have never spent a night away from Diego before. It was nice to just spoil Siobhan for a while and to actually TALK to Bradley. I missed my husband though.

Now, the two young one's are fighting. gotta run!

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