Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Stuff going on everywhere. K is into a new novela that just started. It is called, La Fea Más Bella. B is at soccer (always!).

Work has been going great. I sat in on my first interview today. Really interesting. I totally understand now what they mean by first impression.

We have Nan's IM now, so hopefully even with the time change, we might be able to see her online. We will be able to catch up on the day to day stuff.

My friend's daughter will be graduating from high school and she will be going into the Navy. Scary (in more ways than one!), we will miss her. My friend asked if I would be able to say something at her good-bye party without crying. NO WAY! I have known her more than 7 years. I saw her grow up.

We walked 9 miles this last weekend. Both Julie and I were tired ALL weekend. The miles will decrease soon before the marathon. The marathon is the day after Eric's b-day. I will be gone most of his birthday (we head up the day before to check in and get our rooms). Then Diego's birthday is a few days after that. We still have to plan something!

Hey, Andrea I am missing your postings. Get busy! ha ha

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you Diane, 9 miles, you're going to be a stick soon, be careful!