Friday, June 16, 2006


I am home on a Friday afternoon. I got a call at work that Siobhan threw up and she wasn't feeling well. I have never gotten a call like that before. I left work and headed right to her. Someone at work said sometimes parents say they are on their way and show up hours later. Can you imagine? My baby doesn't feel well, I am going to get her. She needs to be home and comfortable.

I don't know if it was the heat. When I picked her up at 11:30, my car said it was 90 out. YIKES. So, she had soup, juice and is in the bath. Maybe after a nice nap and enough A/C she will feel better. Eric and I think she is ditching. haha, faker!


Eric Jasso said...

90 degrees? Wait until it hits 105! Siobhan must have finals.

Anonymous said...

Smart cookie, that Siobhan. She must get it from her mommy. *hee*