I do not grow things. I have been known forever to kill just about any plant we purchase and I do mean anything.
This year I decided to do a garden. Eric and I moved our raised bed over, added LOTS of compost and soil, removed almost all of the grass and got busy. I planted a tomato plant, snap peas, cucumber, bell pepper and a chili plant. I think we both did this with the knowledge that everything would die. In fact, two did before we got them in the ground! I have also since planted cilantro seeds.
My peas did okay but I think they give peas and die. I did not know this and didn't pick them in time so I never really got to enjoy them.
My cucumber plant had termites so I moved it and didn't think it was going to make it but it is doing okay.
I can't see my bell pepper, Diego's cucumber or the chili's because the tomato plant is too DAMN big. It has taken over. I pulled all the peas out and below is the photo of my plants. Let's play find the bell pepper!