Sunday, January 02, 2005

Supersize Me

This is a documentary about a very healthy man who decides to eat only McDonalds for 30 days. He will only choose from the menu and will only be Supersized when asked.

I am not going to rate this move. I will however say it is a "must see". This movie needs to be seen by anyone who ever eats fast food.

In 30 days, this guy gained 25.5 pounds (took him about a year to lost it all), his cholesterol went up 65 points. His liver was was dangerously damaged due to fatty liver (something none of the doctors even thought would happen). About 2 weeks into it, all the doctors were telling him that he needed to get off "that crazy diet".

Most nutritionist say that you should NEVER have fast food. If anything, no more then once a month. Seriously, I thought once a week was okay.

If you have seen or see this movie, please let me know what you think.

By the way, watch the special features. What do you think about those french fries?

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