Sunday, January 30, 2005


My friend Natalie and I were talking the other day about bugs. (Don't ask why, it was on work time!) If you live in the South, there are all kinds of flying insects. You can not eat outside without having a whole bunch of bugs flying around. Here in Orange County, there are not a lot of bugs. You can spend the whole day outside and maybe be bothered by a mosquito or two around dusk. It really makes for an added bonus to a beautiful place to live.

So, what am I getting at here? Ants. I swear all of Orange County sits atop a huge underground ant colony. I HATE ants. It doesn't matter what you do, they find a way in. You can have someone come out and spray outside, then inside. You can use traps, spray, gel. Aside from getting an anteater, I don't think there is a way to be rid of the little buggers. Frankly, I am tired of it.

I am tired of waking up, walking in the kitchen, and finding I am not alone. They are in the sink, on the counter or along the backsplash. Sometimes just the little seeker guys and sometimes a whole lot of the buggers. It doesn't matter if all the dishes are washed. That there is no food left out. Everything is spotless, still, there they are.

What I don't understand is that I don't know what they are looking for. There is a sugar bowl on the counter, they NEVER go for that! Are they looking for some unknown ant delicacy? Do we offer some wonderful unseen ant cuisine? I just wish I knew how to be rid of them. Of course, everytime I use hot water to wash them down the sink, I can't help but think of the movie Ants. Poor little guys. Little bastards. I am so torn!


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