Saturday, July 30, 2005

cold as ice

We took Siobhan to ballet this afternoon. We were talking to a guy who just happened to be the teacher for the Hip Hop class. He mentioned that there are no classes the month of August. That's nice. We are almost ready to leave and we hadn't heard this, not once. She has to wait a whole month.

She was a bit complaining after class and she fell asleep as soon as we got in the car. Eric and I went and bought some flagstone for the back, she slept the whole time. When we got home, what did Siobhan have with her, a FEVER. Great!

We were going to take her to dinner to see her Nino play. It is his last weekend for who knows how long. Oh well, poor baby. She came home after the car nap and slept another three and a half hours. (Eric and I napped with her being the wonderful parents that we are!)

Feel better baby!


Anonymous said...

What's flagstone?

Eric Jasso said...

Hi Melissa...let me get this one! Flagstone is natural stone used for flooring indoors and outdoors. It is SO much nicer than concrete...beautiful, durable and classic looking.

We bought three quarters of a ton...half of it is still sitting in the front yard! I wonder when Di is gonna get her ass out there and move the rest!

Check out some flagstone here:

Di said...

ha ha, obviously if that were the case, Eric knows it would be sitting out there for YEARS!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Eric. I feel SO much more informed now. :) So, what kind did you guys get? Has Diane gotten it laid yet?

Eric Jasso said...

OMG Melissa! I am up late (as usual) looking for property, stock deals and such, and I saw your post.

I mistakedly read "has Diane gotten laid yet?"

I laughed out loud. I gotta get my mind outta the gutter. Either that or get my wonderful wife to pay more attention to me!

Anonymous said...

Yep. I pretty much knew that was coming after I read my post back to myself. :) So has she??? Either, or? lol ;)

Eric Jasso said...

two answers: no and no.

Di said...

excuse me! The stone is still partly in the driveway. What do we have kids for anyway?

Anonymous said...

Hey Diane. What's a matter with you? You need to take care of that guy!