Friday, July 29, 2005


It is Friday. Eric has his flex day. Krystal has no summer school today. We have NO soccer this weekend. What? A weekend to do whatever we want? What will that be like?

We still need to go look at stone for the patio. Siobhan has ballet tomorrow. There are a few other things to do, but we don't HAVE to be anywhere. Oh joy!

Of course, our cars are dirty, the dogs need a bath, lots of laundry to do, clean our room, take the cans and bottles, grocery shopping.. but still, joy!

1 comment:

Eric Jasso said...

Not to mention that we have to clean the side yard, til the garden, put in more floor molding and call an electrician for the outdoor electric.

but we DID go buy our flagstone for the yard! It is SO pretty...who the hell wants CONCRETE?