Wednesday, July 06, 2005

We live in the desert, damn it

I am always telling people to conserve water. We do live in the desert. It isn't a never ending supply. I do my best. I turn the water off while I brush my teeth (well, to be perfectly honest, brush while in the shower). I turn the water off while washing dishes. I basically try NOT to waste water. So, what did I do last night? I left the front sprinklers on for ELEVEN hours! Nice. Great. (Not to mention, I am the one who pays the water bill!). I would like to say this is the first time, but I think I do it two to three times per year. I should have to go on one of those commercials where the animal is telling the person to conserve water. Maybe, I should have to dress up AS the animal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...