Saturday, May 27, 2006

24 extra

Oh yeah, I love knowing I have one WHOLE day extra. One extra day to sleep in. One extra day to spend with the kids. One extra non working day. Okay, that says it all. No work. Hee hee. Woo hoo.

Don't get me wrong, I love my job. I enjoy it when I am there, but I am all for having an extra day of not being there.

My plan is to clean Siobhan and Diego's room. First thing this morning, I was going through all their clothes. Diego had some stuff in his drawer that was size 9 months (pretty sure THAT won't fit). I had K clean out the hall closet so we can move some of the old software boxes out of S and D's closet and into the hallway. Shifting. That is what we do when we clean right? Should it even be called cleaning? We should say I am going to go into the kids room and shift things.

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