Friday, August 31, 2007

Kinder Update

First day of school she did not cry. I did not either. Eric didn't either. I think we were so worried about her, she WAS nervous. When I went to pick her up, she ran out and couldn't remember a thing she did. (Typical!) She did get a BIG ice cream afterwards!
Second day she was worried about getting there late. She was fine.
Today, ah the third day. Did NOT want me to leave. What is it about a few days later. Like they figured out this is a day to day occurrence and she is going to have to do it again. There was one kid crying like crazy with his head down on his desk. Another girl was crying in the back of the room. Siobhan's eyes were filled with tears, "just stay", "why do you have to leave?". Gosh my heart was breaking!

She will use after school care beginning next week. I am NOT sure how that is going to over. I think she understands how it is going to work now but...


Mackey said...

OMG....just imagining those big brown eyes filled with tears.....ouch.
I remember my first day of Mom snuck out when I wasn't looking.
I think I may have been scarred for life.:)

Di said...

In that case I am glad I told her I was leaving. Either way, never easy!