Sunday, October 30, 2005

not feeling too hot

I think I caught someone's cold. Not too hard to imagine since practically everyone at work is sick. So I was laying in bed looking at my clock and I thought, well Eastenders will be on in an hour, so here I am. Figured I would check my mail, blog, look around the internet. I just looked at my clock and forgot about the time change. I can't wait TWO hours for Eastenders. I missed it Friday night because I was driving around with Siobhan trying to figure out what to get for dinner. Seriously, I drove around for about 45 minutes only to end up at Wendy's right by our house. I don't usually get fast food but it was already 8pm and nothing sounded good. Siobhan loves Wendy's because of the Frosty, so what the heck, Wendy's it was!

So I am sure I will miss the rerun of Eastenders at 5am. Oh well, sleep IS kinda important.

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