Saturday, October 23, 2004

So sad it makes my heart hurt

I can sum it up in one sentence. What about Sudan? Over 70,000 people have been killed over there. Yet we are doing nothing to help them. Even if you 100% agree that we should be in this "war" that we are in, why are we doing nothing in Sudan?

Those people have begged the US for help and yet we do nothing! It is sick! Women are being raped and then brand so that everyone knows what happened to them.

It has been about 18 months, yet we sit by and do nothing! How can we do this. This is a country that CAN NOT help themselves. We are not talking about giving them democrocy, we are talking about saving THOUSANDS of lives. They suspect that 10,000 people wil die every month. Many of these are women and children!

You can go here and view the 60 Minutes article.

I think more people need to be informed that SEVENTY THOUSAND people have already died and ANOTHER EXPECTED TEN THOUSAND per month, we need to do something more then sending humanitarians to help.

God bless those people!

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