Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Don't go outside!

The news said it should be 104 degrees today. Yikes! Did Mother Nature know that the a/c in my car is not working this week? Did she decide to make it super hot on the day before I am getting it fixed?!

So at 7am, I made Krystal give her garden a lot of water. I bathed Cucui first thing this morning. I got the errands out of the way. Krystal bathed Xochitl so we could bring them inside. Eric makes fun of me, "They are dogs", well dogs get hot too!

Here we are, inside with the air blowing (glad we got central air last year!), watching Siobhan's new Disney Princess DVD for the second time already. aaahhhh. So nice. The tile along with our new windows really helps keep the house cool. Oh drat! Now I have to go out (again in the car with no a/c today) and pick up Bradley from school. Just my luck!

I would like to throw a raspberry at the weather men. They said 104 and it is only 94. See! They know nothing!

Welcome home UCLA student who was missing for 6 weeks, I know your family feels blessed to have you home!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for the a/c! What would we do without it?

Throw a raspberry? Ha ha ha.