Tuesday, September 21, 2004

wonderful children

I love my children, obviously, or I wouldn't have four. (no Eric, we are not having five!) I love holding, kissing and playing with them. They are a joy (most of the time). A smile, laugh or hug can really make my day. But right now, right this minute is bliss. Krystal and Bradley are at school and Diego and Siobhan are both asleep. That never happens (until about 10pm).

Wow, what to do? What to do? I thought I would take a moment and let you all know how nice it is, and really it will end soon. Krystal will walk through the door in about 15 minutes and my solitude shall end. I will be going out Friday night all by myself. The true meaning of by myself. Every last one of the kids will be left here at home while I go say goodbye to a good friend at work, for HAPPY HOUR. I plan to scrape up every dollar I can. (hee hee)

I will be thankful for everyday I have with my children because I know one day they will move. They won't call, they will forget my birthday (sorry Dad!) and I will no longer be needed for every little thing. WOO HOO, then Eric and I can party. We will travel, (how much cheaper will that be?!) and play our music loud. We will be able to relax and not worry if homework was done, clothing is washed, rooms clean (never), and teeth brushed. Although seeing as how Diego is only 3 months, I think it will be quite sometime before that day comes. Still, I will do the best I can now, enjoy them, and miss them when they are gone.

Only I don't miss them now. Boy the house is quiet. I might go read now. ta ta

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