Sunday, November 30, 2008

Nablopomo ends today

I made, 30 posts in 30 days. I have to give a HUGE thanks to my husband. Eric sends me all kinds of crap, I mean stuff in e-mails. I hang on to them because I can't throw them away. Oh but it works out perfectly when I need a post. The Year book yourself and your children, he sent those to me ages ago.

My FAVORITE, The best post EVER. That one I will be thankful for always. I wonder Victor, what DID happen with Marjorie? We may never know. Also my Warning post. That photo can change your whole life.

The point is, the man gives me stuff to work with. It helps keep my blog interesting (I hope) and helps clean up my e-mail. hee hee

So congrats to those of you who also completed your 30 posts in 30 days. It IS harder than you would think! Maybe a prize will come our way...


Unknown said...

IT was fun , it flew by fast though.

You still need to finish your about me story with pics :) Please :)


Andrea said...

WHOO HOOO!! Congratulations!! It really *is* an accomplishment and you should feel proud!


jen said...

Yeah!! Were done!! Congratulations to you! Its been great getting to know you and I'm glad I found ya! Have a great week.

Erica Hanks said...

Way to go! I'm having trouble even doing 1 a week lately! I suck!