Wednesday, January 18, 2006

new office mate

I have a new office mate as of yesterday. I have known her for years, so I know we will get along just fine. I was talking to her about my dad today. It was so sweet that she had tears in her eyes while I was telling her my story. WOW. I was telling her how I feel like I haven't dealt with my feelings about him being gone yet. It is so weird to actually tell someone that I know my dad is dead but well, I am not sure I REALLY believe it yet.

My office isn't the same without Natalie. Weird. Her desk is all bare. I think she left one post it on her board. We made her chair all short so it will fit under the desk though. (I have to walk between the two desks to get out, oh the view I have of the park SO makes up for it!)

Eric and I are getting ready to go for a walk. I think it might be Siobhan's bed time by the time we go but she can wait until we get back. I love putting her to bed.

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