Friday, August 27, 2004


A friend from work had her baby shower and what a great time it was. It was so wonderful to see my friends from work who I have not gotten to visit with in a long time. It almost made me miss work, okay not really, but it did make me miss all my friends.

It is amazing how people you spend so many hours with at work can become your best friends. So much in common and so much time spent together. I pity those people who only have co-workers at work. That is not to say that I like everyone at work, oh far from it! In fact, there are quite a few people I don't like at all, but lucky for me, none of those people were there.

So everyone got to see how beautiful my children are. Maybe I am a bit biased, but that IS what everyone said. I was so happy to see a good friend get a ton of gifts (she is honestly one of the sweetest people I have ever known!) and to see lots of other friends. I will be posting a few photos later on of some of those friends.

Remember your friends, they will be there for you through good and bad times. Through boyfriends, sometimes even marriages. They will love you even with your bad faults and help you develop the good ones. Friends are special in so many ways. Even though life sometimes lets too much time go by, a true friendship will feel like no time has passed at all.

1 comment:

Beth Alvis said...

You doesn't matter how long or how far apart...nothing takes the place of friends...Thanks Blogger for keeping me informed with Di & company...Miss you!