Sunday, August 08, 2004

Isn't it amazing..

... instant messenger? It is almost like being little again, back in Jackson, Tenn. When you knew what everyone was doing at just about any time of the day, like instant messenger. Because even when people are not there, they often leave a message so that I can know what they are up to at any time of the day. Michelle is at the beach (that's four days now, Michelle update that thing will ya?). It looks like Candace is going to the mall. My mom is available, so it says, but I know if I send her an IM, I will be waiting forever. And I can tell that my husband, who is only a few feet behind me at his computer, is not currently listening to any music. I am letting everyone know that Krystal turns 15 today! I mean, geez, how cool is that. The minute Natalie signs on I will swoop on her and tell her about my dream. No more bothering to call people, no letters and less e-mails. Some might say that all this is causing a down fall to relationships, I say no sir.

First off, in order to talk on the phone with any ONE person, I have to have time. First off, do I have 20 minutes to spend doing nothing else but chit chat? AND is that person going to be available at the same time? Assuming that both of us have the time, sometimes conversations drift and you forget what you called for anyway. Not to mention long distance fees as well as figuring out what time it is in Thailand. With e-mail (IM), I send what I want when I want and it sits until my e-mail has time to be read. At that point they write back when they have time, saying just what they want to say and send it along. How cool is that? No more being bothered while eating dinner, while watching a movie, or giving the kids a bath. Hell, I know it might sound weird to some but my husband and I send IM's to each other all the time, and we are in the same room!

We can send links back and forth, talk about the kids without them hearing, and just send an "I love you". Okay, so you might think we don't talk anymore, but I can tell you, Eric is happy for the quiet once in a while. I can talk like nobody's business.

I am waiting for my mother in law to get IM, we need to get her DSL first. I tell Eric that she would LOVE it. She will be able to keep in touch with everyone, especially the kids. Now, we are a Mac family, so I can easily voice or video chat. I can also send photos over my IM with ease. I mean, wow!

Well, Krystal is trying to figure out where she wants to eat for her birthday dinner (what is it a special day or something?) she has changed her mind at least eight times already. We will watch the LA Galaxy on tv and then head to dinner, because frankly nothing comes before the Galaxy.

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