Sunday, December 11, 2005

almost done

with my shopping. K and B have to get something for their Godparents and I have to get my mom something (but I know what I am getting so that makes it easy). Something for Mark, the mailman (he is the BEST!). My niece and nephew (again I know what I am getting them, so easy), and Eric.

Eric is either really easy or really hard. I either know exactly what to get him or I am at a totally loss. This year I am at a total loss. I have an idea but am not sure it is the best thing. I would like to have the attitude of, I get it for him and if he doesn't like it, too bad, but I can't. When I get my husband a gift I want to make sure it is something he would LOVE. So each day I think of different things and wonder what would be better. He is easy on one hand because he is thankful for anything, but I really want him to be happy.

Eric, I am NOT asking for hints here, so quit thinking it (he is a faithful reader!). Anyway, I feel relived that I am almost done. Usually I haven't even really started. Oh, I still have to shop for Diego but how easy is that! Hope you all are enjoying the stress free days of being almost done as well.

Only 13 shopping days left! (My dad ALWAYS shopped on Christmas Eve. Who do you think was wrapping everything late that night?!)

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