Saturday, December 10, 2005

Maybe I WILL enjoy this day

Running around earlier. I had to go by my cousin's house to pick up papers for tonight. I stopped by my Dad's house where Gabi was having a garage sale and grabbed a few things. Ran into Bradley's Nino there. I haven't seen him in, maybe a year. Then we went to Smart and Final where I spent WAY too much money and still came home with a list. Diego took a nap. Siobhan tried but failed. Eric and I are starting to put together a list of tunes for my iPod for the party. I opened a Smirnoff (green apple), Siobhan just got out of the bath. Diego is finishing up eating (he takes so long because he eats SO much). We still need showers. I have to pick up K's friend who is going with us and will help set up. I still have to stop by the store for ice and misc. items. But all and all, I am done. At this point people either enjoy themselves or they don't. I am done.

Had a crying episode earlier. Don't feel any better. I had to stop because I was making Siobhan cry. A real fake cry too. I couldn't help but laugh. I have so much to be thankful for, but I am still so sad.

Oh, I hear my Smirnoff calling me, gotta go!


Jonathan said...

Are you okay? What are you crying about?

Di said...

My dad passed away a little over two months ago>